

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy describes the personal data collected when you use for every mobile application ("kow") and the services provided (including "Service"), how personal data is used will, to be shared. .

BY USING THE SERVICE, YOU PROVIDE US THAT YOU (I) have read, understand and agree to this privacy policy, and (II) you are over 16 years old. If you do not agree, or are unable to promise, you should not use the service. In this case, you should contact the email support team to request the deletion of your account and your data.

The “system”, in terms of personal data, includes the collection, storage, and disclosure of others.




    3. Principles of Data Protection



    6. Who we share your personal information with




    10. AGE OF AGE



    13. CONTACT US


1. PERSONAL INFORMATION DIRECTOR Online Marketplace Nigeria Limited, a company registered in the Federal Republic of Nigeria (registered office 350, Borno Way, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria) will be your personal data manager.

Cars45 Limited, a company registered in the Federal Republic of Nigeria (with office registered on 4th Floor, CIPM House, CIPM Avenue, CBD, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos) will be the joint manager of the personal data sectors as follows:

With respect to specific sections of personal data explicitly defined under 2.3.5

a) transaction information of car sellers in connection with the sale of the car auction (paragraph 2.3.5.);

b) Personal identification, bank and CАС identification of car sellers (paragraph 2.1.);

c) Required information for car sellers and car sellers (paragraph 2.1.).



We collect the information you give us voluntarily (for example, email address). We also collect data directly (for example, your IP address).


2.1 The information you give us.

You may be asked to provide us with information about you when you register and / or use the Service. This information includes: first name, last name, phone number, email, gender, date of birth (together "Information Required"), address details, hours of work etc., as well as access to your photos, albums and more. You will need to provide us with your ID or similar identification document, if you want to place an ad in the mobile section, open your account or make a duplicate account. You will need to give us your Bank ID and САС (certificate of integration of a legal entity) if you want to participate as a car seller.


To use our service and register an account, you will need to provide the required information. You will be able to use the Service even if you do not provide us with this information, but some service activities may be restricted to you (for example, if you do not register an account, you will not be able to talk to other users., Post ads, see contact details for other users).


Sometimes you may need to give us more information when you contact our Support Team to process your application (for example, if your account has already been closed, we may ask you to verify your identity by providing an ID card).


When posting a Notice of Service, you may decide to provide additional personal information to yourself. For example, you may decide to prepare your CV. You acknowledge that by giving your personal information notice you are making this information publicly available. In addition, you acknowledge and agree that we will make certain personal data of your profile available to the public in order to provide the Service, - it will enable us to facilitate communication and interaction between users.


You should carefully consider the risks associated with the fact that you have made certain information - in particular, your phone number, address, or exact location - publicly available.


2.2. Data provided to us by third parties

When you decide to log in using Facebook, we obtain personal information from your Facebook account. This includes a photo of your logo, name, and Facebook ID. Until you skip the Facebook screen, we will also collect other information, such as email address, gender, date of birth, friends list, and location according to your Facebook profile.


For more information, please refer to the Facebook Authorization Reference (describes the information categories, which Facebook may share with third parties and the terms and conditions) and Facebook Data policy. In addition, Facebook allows you to control the choices you make when you link the Facebook App to their Apps and Websites page.


When you log into Google, we get your name, email address, profile picture and Google ID. We use your personal data in Google in accordance with this privacy policy. To learn more about how Google processes your data, visit its Privacy Policy. To cancel the access granted to us, visit Google Permission.


When you decide to sign in using Apple, we obtain your Apple ID, name and email address. You can use Hide My Email while signing in with Apple, and it will create and share a unique email address, which will forward our messages to your personal email.


Apple allows you to revoke access you have been given to the App on the Apple ID Management page by following the steps below.


When you decide to log in or verify your phone number using Truecaller, we obtain personal data from Truecaller user profile when you consent. This includes your phone number, name, addresses (country code; city; street; zip code), profile picture, job name, company name, gender, and other information on your site. For more information, please refer to Truecaller's Privacy Policy.


If you have been invited to create an account with the Service, the person who invited you can give you personal information about you, such as your telephone number, email address, your social media account or other contact information.


2.3. The data we collect directly:

Information about how you received it from us


We collect information about the URL you are referring to (that is, the Web site you were on when you clicked on our ad).


2.3.2. Device and Data Center


We do not collect data from your device. Examples of this data include: language setting, IP address, time zone, device type and format, device configuration, operating system, internet service provider, mobile carrier, hardware ID, and Facebook ID.


2.3.3. Usage data


We record how you interact with our service. For example, we list the features, and content you interact with, how often you use the Service, how long you have been in the service, the components you use, how many ads you watch.


2.3.4. Advertising ID


We collect your Apple Advertising ID ("IDFA") or Google Advertising ID ("AAID") (depending on your device's operating system). You can usually reset these numbers by adjusting the operating system of your device (but we do not control this).


2.3.5. Transfer data


When you pay for the Service, you need to provide financial account information, such as credit card numbers, to our third party service providers. We do not collect or store the full credit card number data, although we may have access to credit card information, customer information, including: date, time and amount of the transaction, the type of payment method used.


2.3.6. Cookies


Please see our Cookies Policy to find out more about the use of cookies

3. Principles of Data Protection

In our data protection culture we strive, in particular, to provide that personal information:


modified in accordance with a specific, legitimate purpose for which you have agreed;

is adequate, accurate and does not detract from one's dignity;

stored only for a reasonable period of time; and

protect against visible and hazardous hazards such as theft, cyber attack, virus attack, spread, response of any kind, damage from rain, fire or exposure to other natural objects.


We process your personal information:


4.1. To Provide Our Service


This includes the ability to use the service seamlessly and to prevent or deal with Service errors or technical issues.


4.2. To organize your experience


We will process your personal information to improve the content of the Service and make proposals tailored to your personal preferences and interests.


4.3. To manage your account and provide customer support


We will process your personal information to respond to your requests for technical support, service information or any other contact you initiate. This includes accessing your account to address technical support requests. For this purpose, we may send you, for example, notices or emails about Service performance, security, payment transactions, notices about these Terms of Use or this Privacy Policy.


4.4. To contact you about your use of our service


We have contacted you, for example, with push notifications or conversations. As a result, you may, for example, receive a notification if you are on the Web or by email that you have received a new message from kow. To opt out of receiving push notifications, you need to change the settings on your browser or mobile device. To opt out of some form of email, you need to follow the opt-out link at the top of the email, by contacting our support team, or your profile settings.


The services we use for these purposes may collect data about the date and time the message was viewed by our users, as well as when they interact with it, such as by clicking on the links in the message.


4.5. To inspect and analyze your use of the Service


This helps us better understand our business, analyze our operations, maintain, improve, innovate, plan, design, and develop Kow and our new products. We also use such data for statistical analysis purposes, to test and improve our productivity. This enables us to better understand what features and components Kow our users prefer more, what categories users use our Services. As a result, we often decide how to improve Kow based on the results obtained in this way. For example, if we find that the Jobs category is not as popular as the others, we may focus on improvements.


4.6. To send you marketing communications


We process your personal data for our marketing campaigns. We may add the email address to our marketing list. As a result, you will receive information about our products, such as, specific orders, and products of our partners. If you do not want to receive marketing emails from us, you can opt out of the following registration in the directions in the marketing emails section, by contacting our support team, or your profile settings.


We may also show you online ads, and send you push notifications for marketing purposes. To opt out of receiving push notifications, you need to change the settings of your device and / or browser.


4.7. To personalize our ads


We and our partners use your personal data to organize ads and possibly even show you at the right time. For example, if you visited our site, you may see ads for our products, for example, on your Facebook feed.


We may target ads using various ad networks and exchanges, using advertising technology data in and out of our services such as personal cookies or similar tracking technology, pixel, device identification, location. termination, operating system information, email.


How to opt out of or be affected by specific ads


IOS: On your iPhone or iPad, go to "Settings," then "Privacy" and click "Advertising" to select "Limit Ad Track". Additionally, you can reset your identification by ads (this can also help you see fewer specific ads) in the same section.


Android: To opt out of ads on Android devices, simply open Google Settings app on your mobile phone, tap “Ads” and enable “Exit ads based on interest”. Additionally, you can reset your ad identification in the same section (this can also help you see fewer individual ads).


To find out more about how advertising choices affect different devices, please see the information available here.


In addition, you may find useful information to opt out of interest-based ads, by visiting the following links:


Initiative Network -

Digital Advertising Alliance -

Digital Advertising Alliance (Canada) -

Digital Advertising Alliance (EU) -

DAA AppChoices page -

Google allows its users to opt out of specific Google ads and to block their data from using Google Analytics.


Facebook also allows its users to influence the types of ads they see on Facebook. To find out how to block the ads you see on Facebook